4  Interactive graph

This interactive plot illustrates the load percentages in each borough during both weekdays and weekends. It highlights two key observations:

  1. Weekdays consistently experience higher busyness compared to weekends.
  2. Staten Island stands out with the highest load percentage among all boroughs.
These insights emphasize the varying busyness patterns across weekdays and weekends, with Staten Island emerging as a notable highlight in terms of load percentage.

This interactive time graph reveals the number of trips during each hour of the day for every borough, offering valuable insights into the travel patterns. It also highlights two key observations:

  1. Morning and evening hours consistently emerge as the busiest periods across all boroughs.
  2. Staten Island and Queens exhibit the highest overall number of trips, with Brooklyn recording comparatively fewer trips.
These insights shed light on the temporal and spatial variations in trip frequencies, providing a understanding of the travel dynamics within the city.